Friday, September 23, 2011

Siebel monitoring with bubblegum (awk)

If your organization hasn't made a sizable investment in Third-Party Siebel monitoring tools (or even leveraged the impressive monitoring available from Oracle), you are risking business processes that are dependent on the background processes that keep the trains running on time.

Our Siebel installation has several integrations based on asynchronous workflow processes and workflow policies. Both of these processes take work off of the main user focused object managers to maintain responsiveness and insulate our users from outages in our integrated system.

That's great, except when the background processes in Siebel fail. Unless your users are very observant, it's easy for a workflow manager to go offline and no one notices until business processes and customer are impacted.

Without access to the fantastic (and fantastically expensive monitoring tools available) one is left with waiting for alert email's from Siebel and/or periodic checking.

Rules of Thumb
  1. don't depend on the system being monitored to tell you when it's down. If it's not available, it probably can't send email
  2. Periodic checking is a waste of everyone's time. If your organization can spend money having someone check on components manually, you are lucky (unless you are the one doing the checking).
  3. Siebel has some funny defenitions of "down" especially concerning workflow monitors (or background components)
I authored this mashup of SRVRMGR.exe, dos batch, blat, and awk for text parsing.
  1. srvrmgr.exe is the commandline window into Siebel. Basically everything that can be done on the Administration - Configuration and Administration - Management screens can be done with the command line (actually more...)
  2. dos batch (for windows) ties the output from the srvrmgr tool and pipes it into awk. I probably could have done everything in awk, but this got the job done
  3. blat is a command line tool for sending email (very old school, but hey...)
  4. awk (gawk actually) is a command line scripter's text wrangler. I consider it perl lite - not as capable but easy to create text parsing scripts are the scripts:

@echo off

set srvrmgr=E:\sea78\siebsrvr\BIN\srvrmgr.exe
set gateway=GATEWAY
set enterprise=SIEBEL
set query=list components for server SIEBELSRVR show CC_ALIAS, CC_NAME, CP_DISP_RUN_STATE, CP_END_TIME


"%srvrmgr%" /g %gateway% /e %enterprise% /u SADMIN /p Sadm!n!! /c "%query%" /b | gawk.exe -W re-interval -f parse_siebel.awk

# Comma seperated list of component aliases to monitor
components = "AsgnSrvr,WorkMonActivity,WorkMonAsset,WorkMonT4Hist,MailMgr"

# Comma seperated list of email addresses (no spaces please)
# (Fictional) Email address that message is from
# Subject line
subject = "\"Siebel Component Failure\""
# SMTP server name

################---Don't edit below this line---###################
FS = "[ ]{2,}"
blat = "blat.exe"
split(components, comps, ",")
$3 ~ /Starting Up/ { (msg $2 " is starting up\n") }
$3 ~ /Shutdown|Offline|Shutting Down|Unavailable/ {
    for (c in comps) {
        if ($1 == comps[c]) {
            msg = (msg $2 " (" $3 ") @ " $4 "\n")
    if (msg != "") {
        msg = ("Some components are in an invalid state, please investigate:\n\n" msg)
        cmd = (blat " - -to " emailto " -subject " subject " -server " smtp " -f " emailfrom " -q")
        print msg | cmd
        print "Sent mail!"
 I know that this script could be much enhanced, but it works well for a couple hours of work

1 comment:

Alceu said...

Hello Gavin,

Great post! You might want to check out the Siebel::Srvrmgr on, I would be happy to exchange ideas

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